When you’re buying a house, one of the most important parts is how you’re going to pay for it. Unless you’re paying cash that means you’ll probably be taking out a loan. You’re putting a lot of trust in someone that for many people is just a name in emails or a voice on the phone.
Aly (of theloansa2zteam) wanted to be more than just a voice and a name. We worked with her to understand what we could include visually to make her personal brand relatable to her clientele while highlighting what she’s passionate about as well. This meant including photos with her son and including a racing flag since she’s a huge F1 fan.
Whether you’re working face to face with clients or occasionally communicating with them your personal brand and how you show up visually makes a difference to the conversations. If you’re not sure where to start send us a DM on IG we’d love to get you started, or you can see our branding packages here.
Hair & makeup: @makeupartistazure
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