Photographing your moments in San Francisco, California






Paid podcast



What lifestyle do you want to show your clients? We love asking this question during our Photoshoot Strategy Calls! When we chatted with Sammy, founder of Simply Wellness, during her strategy call we heard that the lifestyle she wants to show her clients includes activities like grocery shopping, meeting with her clients in a 1:1 […]

Branding Sessions

Sammy Peterson, Registered Dietician | Phoenix, AZ


Buying a house is the most expensive thing that most people will ever do in their lives. That takes a lot of trust in the person helping you through the process. For most people that trust starts with seeing who they’ll be working with before even reaching out to have a conversation. For Kristi this […]

Branding Sessions

Kristi | Bloomington, IN | Realtor


What’s the best problem to have as a branding client? “HOW THE HECK AM I SUPPOSED TO PICK MY NEW PROF PIC AND NEW PODCAST THUMBNAIL PIC” – Kate @yourbehindthescenesbff As photographers these are our favorite messages to receive from clients, because it means that we have correctly captured their personal brand. Each person and […]

Branding Sessions

Kate | Phoenix | Your Behind the Scenes BFF


Sometimes things don’t go to plan – during @thelisahurm‘s strategy call we planned out her 2 hour refresher, chose a gym to work out and talked about getting permission to take photos there before the session. We actually switched gyms to one that said it was okay to use – the day we showed up […]

Branding Sessions

Lisa Hurm | Fitness Coach


A jeep, a 4 month old child, part ownership in a coffee shop, coaching clients, fitness & nutrition, and creating planners & journals. Fitting all these unique things into one 2-hour Refresher Branding Session was the objective for Jess Massey’s (founder of Hustle Sanely) photoshoot with us in Tampa, FL a few weeks ago. Like […]

Branding Sessions

Jess Massy | Hustle Sanely


As a branding and marketing expert for faith-centered organizations @meet.meredith of @confident.brands had a pretty good idea of what elements were important to include in her session: a church, design work she’s done and face to face work with clients. Knowing these things planning her session came down to figuring out the best way to […]

Branding Sessions

Meredith | Confident Brands


When you’re buying a house, one of the most important parts is how you’re going to pay for it. Unless you’re paying cash that means you’ll probably be taking out a loan. You’re putting a lot of trust in someone that for many people is just a name in emails or a voice on the […]

Branding Sessions

Aly Lively | Photos of a Certified Mortgage Advisor


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We're Jo & Lyndon

Content Creators, Coaches & Educators for Branding Photographers