Photographing your moments in San Francisco, California






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Last weekend I married my best friend – (cue the applause, cheers, and congratulations)! I couldn’t ask for a more incredible husband. I’ve never felt more loved, taken care of, or appreciated by someone.

We were in Jamaica all week, last week, and our time there was nothing short of rejuvenating. You may be a bride, in the last stages of wedding planning and stressing out about every little thing…(been there, done that), but trust me when I tell you it’s all worth it in the end. Take full advantage of the time you have together, and relax.

We both wanted to be unplugged for the week, which for me meant no emails, work, texting/messaging, or social media. Guys, what a difference going unplugged makes!! Our vacation was so much more meaningful because we gave each other our presence. You gain so much freedom when you let go of all of the distractions and simply be. It’s made a significant impact in my workflow since returning home, too. My mind is racing with ideas & inspiration, and I have renewed motivation to exceed expectations by giving 110% to projects & work commitments. So, take it from me when I say going unplugged for a week will do wonders for you.

I brought my camera along, but only dedicated one night to taking photos. Ironically enough, it was the last good night to do so before effects of Irma began coming our way.

A few of our friends & family made sure to check in on us to see if we would be hit by Irma, but thankfully we were out of the way. Our resort saw some damage, due to large waves that harmed some of the docks & walkways. Other than that, everything was good. We’re very grateful that we weren’t in harms way and made it home safely!

Here are a few of my favorite shots from our time in Jamaica, it’s just a glimpse of a very beautiful country.

Comments +

  1. Candace says:

    Joelle – your trip looked amazing! We will be headed to Jamaica in about 2 weeks. Fingers crossed that our resort didn’t see any damage from Irma! I can’t wait to unplug and be fully engaged with the husband. 🙂 Thank you for sharing!

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We're Jo & Lyndon

Content Creators, Coaches & Educators for Branding Photographers